Office of Research Compliance

The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) supports and promotes ethical research practices at Brooklyn College. ORC works with oversight committees and officers to promote the ethical and responsible conduct of research and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements relating to research involving human subjects, animals, and research misconduct.

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is university-wide and exists to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research activities. All staff and faculty members, postdoctoral scholars, and undergraduate and graduate students of Brooklyn College who plan to initiate research involving human subjects must submit a protocol application for review and approval by CUNY’s University Integrated-Institutional Review Board (UI-IRB) prior to beginning the project.

Each CUNY college, including Brooklyn College, has an HRPP personnel to assist students, staff, and faculty in complying with the requirements of the program. Responsibilities of the HRPP Office include providing oversight, administrative support, and educational training.

The CUNY Office of Research Integrity & Compliance  provides further information on the policies and procedures for the HRPP.


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

In accordance with government and institutional policies, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) was created to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching, research training, and biological testing. It is a self-regulating body that derives its existence from the Animal Welfare Act and its amendments, which are administered by the USDA through the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and the Health Research Extension Act and its amendments, which are administered by the National Institutes of Health through the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. In addition, the IACUC of Brooklyn College is required to uphold the regulations and requirements of the New York State Department of Health as pertaining to the use of laboratory animals.



Principal investigators and all other research team members are required to complete training in the protection of human and animal subjects. This training is a computer-based training program that can be completed at the user’s own pace. However, no individual may conduct human or animal research without successfully completion of the training. Certificate of completion of the basic course is valid for three years. Research personnel of human subject and animal research protocols must complete a refresher course every three years.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Conflict of Interest (COI)

Brooklyn College is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of honesty and integrity among its faculty, students, and staff, and requires all research to be performed as such. To assist in achieving this goal, all researchers (faculty, students, and staff) are required to follow CUNY policies and complete the university’s educational requirements. These requirements are reflective of the mandates of governmental regulations. The CUNY RCR website provides full details.

The CITI RCR training within six weeks of initiating their research. RCR training certificate will be valid for four years. The CUNY RCR website provides full details.

All investigators engaging in research related to any Public Health Service (PHS) funded grant or contract, Conflicts Committee members, and all CUNY College Conflicts Officers are required to complete the CITI training in Conflict of Interest (COI). COI training certificate will be valid for four years. CUNY researchers are required to re-take the CITI COI training course every four years. The Conflict of Interest website provides full details.

CUNY Data Retention Policy

The CUNY Office of Research Integrity & Compliance indicates the minimum length of time that college and university officials must retain records before the records may be disposed of legally. This schedule is meant both to ensure that records are retained as long as required for administrative, legal, and fiscal purposes, and to encourage the systematic disposal of records that are no longer needed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these committees and programs, contact the following:

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 3829

Human Subject Research
E: Twyla Tate
P: 718.951.5000 ext. 3829

Brooklyn. All in.