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In accordance with Article 9.1 of the CUNY Board of Trustees Bylaws, the election of the department chair and the Appointments Committee is held during the first week of May. Both the chair and the Appointments Committee are elected to a three-year term, which begins on July 1 and ends June 30. At the same time, the department also elects representatives to serve on the School Promotion and Tenure Review Committee and Faculty Council.
When a vacancy occurs within the triennial period, it is filled by way of a special election. Any such election must receive approval from the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administration prior to voting. Special elections held without our approval will be considered invalid.
All full-time members of the department who have faculty rank and faculty status are eligible to vote in department elections. (CUNY Bylaws, Articles 8.1 and 8.2)
Faculty Rank is held by all persons with professorial rank (assistant, associate, and full professors) who are employed full time on an annual basis, with or without tenure, and by instructors appointed before October 1, 1968, provided they have not received notice of non-reappointment or submitted a resignation. A person with faculty rank who is retiring shall retain their voting rights during the last year of service, except while on Travia leave. (See CUNY Bylaws, section 8.1)
Faculty Status is held by all persons employed full time as an instructor, lecturer, distinguished lecturer, clinical professor, or research professor, provided they have not received notice of non-reappointment or submitted a resignation. A person with faculty status who is retiring shall retain their voting rights during the last year of service, except while on Travia leave. (See CUNY Bylaws, section 8.2)
Teaching and nonteaching instructional staff appointed to the following titles/series are not eligible to vote: visiting professors, all substitute titles, adjunct titles, CLT series, HEO series, and research series.
Department Chair: The department chair must be of faculty rank and must be tenured or have been approved by the board of trustees for tenure at the time of the election, except in departments less than seven years old.
Appointments Committee: Four members of the Appointments Committee must have tenure or have been approved by the board of trustees for tenure at the time of the election.
In departments with fewer than five tenured members (including the chair), all tenured members must serve on the appointments committee. If there are not enough individuals with faculty rank for a complete committee, the department must request a waiver of the relevant provision of the CUNY Board of Trustees Bylaws, to have persons with faculty rank from outside the department fill the remaining positions. For further information, contact the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administration.
Voting is by secret ballot. Proxy or mail (email) voting is not permitted. Voters must be present to cast a ballot. Absentees and persons on leave may be nominated for election.