CUNY Internal Resources

On this page we have listed information for selected professional development programs and university funding opportunities to support your research and pedagogy. For college or external resources for funding and support, visit the following pages:

College Resources
External Resources and Funding

Useful and Interesting Websites

CUNY Office of Faculty Affairs

The CUNY Office of Faculty Affairs aims to work collaboratively with colleagues across the university to ensure that CUNY is a place where faculty are supported and recognized for their essential contributions to our students, the university, and their disciplines.

CUNY Office of Research

The mission of the CUNY Office of Research is to promote and support the research, scholarly, and creative pursuits of the CUNY community; to provide assurance to funding agencies and to the public that research at the university is conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and to enhance technology commercialization, entrepreneurship, and economic development activities.

CUNY Internal Funding Website

The university, through the Office of Research, provides a number of research-related, internal funding programs to its faculty. A number of funding programs are designed specifically to foster intra- and inter-college research collaborations among CUNY’s faculty.

University Support and Funding Opportunities

PSC-CUNY Research Award Program

The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Research Award Program was established as a major vehicle to encourage and support the research of both established and junior scholars. Awards are distributed by the University Committee on Research Awards (UCRA), a faculty committee, and administered by RFCUNY. All applications are submitted through the Grants Proposal System. There are various award types, ranging from less than $3,000 up to $12,000. The PSC-CUNY Research Award Program supports academically relevant research across all disciplines. For assistance, contact Robin Nesby, director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Faculty Travel for Grant Development Program

The Faculty Travel for Grant Development program financially supports CUNY researchers and scholars pursuing new grant proposals that require out-of-town travel. All travel for grant development should pertain to meetings with proposal collaborators and/or representatives of external funders, such as federal agency officers or private foundation program officers. This program is not designed to fund the totality of travel expenses, but rather, to assist by defraying a significant portion of the costs.

Travel Awards for National and International Conference

The CUNY Academy for Humanities and Sciences has a series of awards to support travel to national and international conferences. The Travel Award is any amount up to $500, but the award amount is heavily based on fund availability and relative distance traveled in comparison to all travelers.

The CUNY Leadership Institute (TCLI) for Urban-Serving Institutions

With generous support from the Mellon Foundation, CUNY is piloting The CUNY Leadership Institute (TCLI) for Urban-Serving Institutions with the goal of strengthening the higher education leadership pipeline for the nation’s urban serving institutions by developing diverse higher education leaders, with a particular emphasis on those with a background in the arts and humanities.

Book Completion Award

The CUNY Office of Research invites proposals from faculty who are working on research or creative projects they are developing into publishable book manuscripts. Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis to faculty in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to develop or complete a book manuscript for publication. This grant program welcomes applications from faculty for book projects that are in the development and prospectus stage as well as for manuscripts that have been accepted for publication and are nearing the completion and submission stage.

Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering

The CUNY Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering (JFRASE) program aims to cultivate excellence and ensure the promise of research-intensive early career science and engineering faculty at CUNY. It is expected that this early-career opportunity will advance the research program of the faculty recipients through boosting their research productivity and accelerating their ability to attract significant external funding. All untenured tenure-track junior faculty who have a promising and innovative research program in the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, mathematics, or engineering are eligible and encouraged to apply. Each CUNY Junior Faculty Fellow will receive a one-year $50,000 award. It is anticipated that four awards will be given in 2020.

The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)

This program advances CUNY’s institutional commitment to diversity. Sponsored by the Office of Recruitment and Diversity, this university-wide initiative assists full-time untenured CUNY faculty (assistant professors) in the design and execution of writing projects essential to progress toward tenure. These projects may include research-based scholarly articles for juried journals, books for academic presses, and creative writing projects. This signature program provides three credit hours of course release for the spring semester, a writing group, and the guidance of a senior faculty member.

Brooklyn. All in.