Industrial and Organizational Psychology FAQ

Which days will I have class?

All of our classes are taught on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, 6:30–9:15 p.m. The program runs throughout the fall and spring semesters with classes during both the winter intersession and the summer sessions.

When can I register for classes?

I/O students will be assigned to their classes based on their cohort and on the required classes offered each semester. You will be sent a permission form each semester on which you can indicate whether you would like to take additional classes (electives or independent research). Once your class schedule has been approved by the deputy director of the program, you will be notified via email as to which classes to register for. Do not worry about being closed out of the class in any semester, as these classes are reserved specifically for I/O students.

How do I register for classes?

The registration email you receive from the Psychology Department will indicate the class/registration codes for which you have been approved. Log on to CUNYfirst and follow the instructions for registration. You must register yourself; the department only inputs approval/permission for registration.

Are students able to work while enrolled in the program?

Most students in the I/O program work either full or part time. Therefore, our classes are all taught during the evening hours. You have to be aware that any graduate program is time consuming and demanding, making it difficult to efficiently balance both academic and professional demands. It is important that you manage your time well to be able to keep up with the readings and gain the maximum benefit from your classes.

When do I have to pay tuition?

All payments are due the day before the semester begins or you will be charged a late fee. Payment deadlines depend on when a student registers. If you are not ready to pay by the deadline assigned to your registration and are dropped, we can re-enter permission for you to re-register. For tuition rates, payment options, deadlines, and information about establishing residency for in-state tuition, visit the Bursar’s Office.

How many classes do I have to take for full-time status?

For full-time status, you need 12 credits; international students must take nine credits (exceptions apply; discuss with us if you are an international student). You will have to be registered for at least six credits to apply for loans. Most of our students are part-time students. For the first semester, we strongly recommend registering only for six credits due to the heavy reading and workload in the two required classes.

Can I take classes outside of Brooklyn College?

Yes. You may take 12 graduate-level credits outside of the Department of Psychology, and separately, 12 credits outside of the college. For example, a three-credit business course at another college would be three credits out-of-department and three credits out-of-college. A psychology course taken at another college would go only toward out-of-college credits. Review these directions to file an ePermit to take a course at other CUNY college. Out-of-department and out-of-college courses must be approved as appropriate courses via the permission form. However, do not wait to initiate the registration process or you may be closed out of the class. Some out-of-department courses require permission from that department /instructor. This is also the case with out-of-college courses. Filing an ePermit does not guarantee you a spot in the class. It is a good idea to reach out to the appropriate department/instructor to see if there will be space for an outside student.

What is the Brooklyn College Graduate Bulletin and where can I find it?

The Brooklyn College Bulletin has useful information for students about general regulations of the college. Review it as soon as you get the chance.

What if I do not meet one of the requirements for admissions to the program (e.g., not having 12 credits in psychology)?

Applications are considered holistically. If you can show a strong argument for the areas you may be lacking in, and highlight your assets, you could still have a chance of being accepted. In some cases, the Admissions Committee may ask a student to re-take a course if he or she does not fulfill the matriculation requirements but shows promise otherwise.

What is the difference between the Group Processes and Organizational Behavior and the Personnel and Human Resources programs?

The distinction between the two concentrations in the program lie with the given emphasis on issues either at the individual/personnel level or issues at the group/organizational level. See description of the programs for details.

Does the program have more of a research or applied focus?

Both. The program incorporates the scientist-practitioner model as a fundamental basis. Students then, based on their interests, can pursue a more research-focused or applied curriculum or a combination of the two.

Can I talk to some students who are currently in the program?

For an inside scoop from our current students, you can email graduate students in industrial and organizational psychology.

Brooklyn. All in.