Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)

Supported by the National Science Foundation

(Award # 1757560)

The RET Program, a component of the Brooklyn College Psychology and Neuroscience Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program, provides middle/high school teachers with the opportunity to learn about research methodology and to gain hands-on research experience that can be applied in their classrooms. The six-month program provides educational opportunities through:

  • coursework,
  • professional development, and
  • mentored research experience.


Participating teachers will enroll or audit a three-credit undergraduate/graduate-level course in Research Methods (or a related topic) that focuses on scientific reasoning, ethics and research design, and methodology. Coursework can be completed in the fall, spring, or summer semester and will prepare teachers to critically evaluate research articles, develop a research hypothesis, and tackle research design and execution issues, with potential value for their future students to develop their own studies.

Professional Development

Participating teachers will attend a local conference on pedagogy, cutting-edge research in neuroscience, or psychology and related disciplines. RET teachers will work with the RET coordinator and their faculty mentor to find a conference that fits their teaching and research interests.

Mentored Research Experience

RET teachers will participate in an 80- to 100-hour mentored research experience with psychology and neuroscience-focused faculty at Brooklyn College. The mentored research experience can be completed during the summer or a semester during the academic year. Working with their faculty mentor, teachers will develop a high school–level lesson plan based on their lab and course work experiences. The lesson plan will focus on a topic in neuroscience and involve a hands-on learning experience or experiment to be conducted in the teacher’s classroom. Upon completion of the program, teachers will be observed as they execute the lesson plan in their classrooms.


Applicants must fulfill the following requirements by the start of the RET program:

  • be a U.S. citizen or non-citizen permanent resident,
  • be a full-time teacher at a New York City high school, and
  • hold a four-year degree in education or related field.

Although all eligible teachers are welcome to apply, we especially encourage applications from teachers who serve underrepresented groups in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

The RET Program selects two teachers each year, each of whom will be awarded a stipend of $3,100. In addition, tuition is covered for the undergraduate or graduate-level course.

Program Dates and Deadlines

The RET program application process functions on a rolling admissions basis. We encourage applicants to apply anytime.

In addition to the application, teachers must submit the following:

  • Official transcripts from all college-level institutions enrolled in to date submitted via email.
  • A résumé/curriculum vitae uploaded as part of the application.
  • Two academic letters of reference submitted through the Google Form link that will be sent to the e-mails of your recommenders as listed in the application form.

All applicants will be notified of their acceptance status within one month of applying.

If you have any questions, email Associate Professor Jennifer Drake.

Note: Medical clearance will be required by Brooklyn College, if accepted into the program. Visit the immunization requirements page for more information.

Brooklyn. All in.