Accreditation Information

The Department of School Psychology, Counseling, and Leadership offers graduate-level programs accredited by the national accrediting bodies in the respective fields. The school counseling program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and the school psychologist programs are accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Each is considered the gold standard of professional accreditation in these fields.

Accreditation Details

CACREP Accredited

CACREP Accredited


In compliance with the Program Outcomes Report required by CACREP, we report the following data regarding program outcomes and job placement.

  • In June 2022, there were 18 students in our graduating class. The average completion rate for our 2022 graduating class was 95%.

We are surveying our most recent graduating class in fall 2022 regarding job placement. The hiring process of school counselors for the New York City Department of Education is still under way, and we will update our numbers as more graduates complete our survey. Of the current respondents to our survey, 70% were currently working either full or part time as counselors.

This accreditation pertains to the following program:




In compliance with NASP requirements, we report the following data regarding the program and student outcomes.

This accreditation pertains to the following programs:

CACREP Accredited

CACREP Accredited

In compliance with the Program Outcomes Report required by CACREP, we report the following data regarding program outcomes and job placement.

  • In June 2022, there were 18 students in our graduating class. The average completion rate for our 2022 graduating class was 95%.

We are surveying our most recent graduating class in fall 2022 regarding job placement. The hiring process of school counselors for the New York City Department of Education is still under way, and we will update our numbers as more graduates complete our survey. Of the current respondents to our survey, 70% were currently working either full or part time as counselors.



Mission Statement and Program Objectives

The Brooklyn College School Counseling Program prepares school counselors to advocate for a high-quality education for all students in schools in this city and beyond, and to nurture the holistic development of every student—his or her academic competence, and emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. Our program enables counselors to accomplish these aims within complex educational bureaucracies by developing their capacities for critical self-reflection, collaborative leadership, empathy, and imagination. In our classrooms, at field sites in urban schools, and in communities, we strive to model an approach to learning that is democratic and experiential. In preparing our students for their role in creating humane and just environments, we foster sensitivity to diversity, and the courage and skills to challenge harmful biases and stereotypes, while promoting greater understanding and respect. Our graduates are equipped to encourage and guide children and youth in their aspirations, and to collaborate with their families and with other educators to prepare them well for postsecondary education, meaningful life work, and citizenship.

The School Counseling Program also supports implementation of the standards of the Education Trust’s Transforming School Counseling Initiative and the curriculum standards of the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

The graduate program in school counseling strives to prepare practitioners who:

  • work in various settings in diverse and complex environments;
  • are self-aware and sensitive to and respectful of all others in their work environments and communities;
  • are multiculturally aware and competent;
  • have developed a knowledge base and skills in the delivery of individual and group counseling;
  • are able to assume leadership roles within the counseling profession, the work environment, and their communities; and
  • serve as advocates for their profession and their clients.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Apply the knowledge base of counseling and evidence-based practices to develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive developmental school counseling programs with diverse counseling populations.
  • Assume the roles and functions of the professional school counselor as described by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs (CACREP), the American School Counseling Association (ASCA), National Standards, and ASCA National Model.
  • Apply and adapt theories of counseling, human development, educational and psychological assessment, career and educational development, family counseling and group dynamics into effective evidence-based interventions and practices for diverse individuals, groups, and families.
  • Form effective helping relationships with diverse individuals and groups.
  • Develop empowering relationships between parents/communities and educators that contribute to the academic, social, and emotional development of students.
  • Apply leadership group dynamics knowledge and skills into effective classroom counseling interventions.
  • Apply educational planning, career development and decision theory, and knowledge of sources of career information to student development and aspirations.
  • Use formal and informal assessment procedures to identify student and school community needs, focus interventions, and assess counseling intervention and programmatic outcomes and effectiveness.
  • Apply evidence-based research results and culturally competent research skills to guide counseling practice.
  • Demonstrate ethical behavior based on the ethical standards for ACA and ASCA, and understand the legal issues relevant to school counseling.
  • Exhibit the professional leadership and social advocacy skills necessary to serve as an effective change agent, and advance the cause of disenfranchised, marginalized, and/or underrepresented groups, parents, and students.
  • Foster self-reflective capacities in oneself and others that facilitate personal, emotional, social, spiritual, and multicultural competencies development and that allow one to consider the meaningfulness of education as a lifelong evolutionary process.

Core School Counseling Program Faculty and Staff

Assistant Professor

Sarah N. Baquet is a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LMHC).

Assistant Professor

Graciela Elizalde-Utnick is coordinator of the Bilingual Specialization in School Counseling and School Psychology Program. Her expertise is in culturally and linguistically diverse infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs and their families. Elizalde-Utnick’s appointment is half time with School Counseling and half-time with School Psychology.

Jennifer Millan
Higher Education Officer
Clinical Coordinator
Certified School Counselor

Chasity Porsenna
Higher Education Assistant

Kayana Bryan
College Assistant

Brooklyn. All in.