Secondary Education

Stir up enthusiasm for the subject you love in children in seventh through 12th grade.

A major in secondary education enables you to focus on an area you’re passionate about, whether it’s biology, chemistry, calculus, English, social studies, or another fascinating field. You’ll learn how best to transmit your knowledge to eager students, and you’ll discover techniques to engage those who may be more reluctant to learn. Your teaching could ignite their ambitions as they find themselves being drawn to a particular subject. Our department will help you navigate the challenges of an urban school environment. After graduation, you will be ready to step confidently into a classroom.

Contact Information

2608 James Hall
P: 718.951.5325

Michael Meagher

2608 James Hall
P: 718.951.5325

Winifred Fils-Aime

Administrative Assistant
2608 James Hall
P: 718.951.5325

Lyn-Donna George

Academic Adviser
2608 James Hall
P: 718.951.5325

Brooklyn. All in.