SEEK Virtual Learning Resources

This page serves as your one-stop virtual learning hub for the CD/SEEK Summer Program. Access IT resources, tools, and tutorials with tips to guide you through your virtual learning experience.



Office 365

Device Request

CUNY-Wide Applications

CUNY Virtual Desktop

The CUNY Virtual Desktop lets you access software remotely. Current applications available include ArcGIS, SPSS, SAS, Matlab, Mathematica, and Maplesoft.

To use the CUNY Virtual Desktop:

  • Install it onto your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Access your applications by clicking on one of the icons.
  • Log in using your CUNYfirst ID followed by and your CUNYfirst password.
  • Save your data to a flash drive or local drive. Be sure to save your data before exiting the CUNY Virtual Desktop or your work will be lost. Print to any printer connected to your local device.
  • For additional help, review the FAQ or the usage instructions, or call the Brooklyn College Help Desk at 718.951.4357.

Brooklyn College EMail Access

Go to
Sign in with your Brooklyn College email: and CUNYfirst password.

Brooklyn. All in.