Career Information and Additional Resources

Below you will find information about how to apply for jobs with the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and support you can receive from the Magner Career Center.

New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) Teaching Job Opportunities

Opportunities are posted to the the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) website.

We encourage you to apply before you have your certification confirmed. You can finish your certification requirements before you start to work.

You will need evidence that you are on your way to certification.

How to Get an “On Track” Letter

The “On Track” letter is needed for your New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) application if you do not have an “Institutional Recommendation” confirming that you graduated from/completed your program  on your New York State TEACH account.

If you have an “Institutional Recommendation” confirming that you graduated from/completed your program on your New York State TEACH account, you can include a screen shot of that part of your TEACH account instead of sending an “On Track” letter for your application.

How to Request an “On Track” Letter for Your NYCPS Teacher Job Application

Check your Graduation Audit for an audit that states your expected date of graduation/program completion. You can include that statement and your EMPLID in a request for an “on track” letter stating your expected date of graduation/program completion.

If you are already working as a substitute teacher or any other DOE job but are not yet a teacher of record, or if you have a job offer from an NYCPS school, you will need to complete the application.

If you are working with internship certification, contact the NYCPS Office of Teacher Recruitment and Quality using their Online Support Center for instructions for your teacher job application.

If you completed a NYC New Teacher Application in the past, but did not receive a position in the NYCPS, contact the staff at the NYCPS Office of Teacher Recruitment and Quality using their Online Support Center for instructions.

A complete online teacher application is an important and required step in the NYCPS’s teacher hiring process.

If you do not have a Social Security number, you can contact the NYCCPS Online Support Center staff for help with the hiring process.

In order to work in public schools in New York, you need to check on the authorization needed. Individual schools may have the ability to provide sponsorship.

Note that New York State teacher certification, for work in public schools, has two stages, Initial and Professional. For the initial certificate, citizenship is not needed. Initial certificates are valid for five years with the possibility of a time extension. After that, you will need to complete the requirements for a professional certificate: three years of relevant paid teaching experience, a related master’s degree, and any other requirements needed, such as U.S. citizenship. Although the word “citizenship” appears in the certification requirement, United States citizenship and/or permanent residence is no longer required for Professional, Permanent, and TA–Level 3 certificates. Applicants must simply prove that they are legally residing in the United States. You can find more information about the citizenship requirement at the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI) website.

After you complete the NYCPS application, you can use the “New Teacher Finder” database. Some job openings may not be listed in the database, and some jobs may not have been posted. You can network with teachers and other school professionals directly, and research current and new NYCPS schools by grade level, borough, or district via the NYCCPS website. Every eligible teacher candidate is ultimately responsible for their own job placement.

High-Need Certifications

Learn More

If your certification is in a non-shortage subject, you may want to consider adding another age group/subject to your certification and/or consider applying for jobs in high-need areas of New York City, such as the Bronx.

Candidates who hold a Students With Disabilities Certification are in particularly high demand.

If a candidate holds an additional certification or is in the process of obtaining an additional certification, they must ensure their application in the New Teacher Finder is updated with this information, so they can focus their job search in their other area of certification and be cleared for hire. Candidates may send an email if their application needs to be updated.

Certification Processing Time

Your graduation date is not necessarily the same as your certification date. After your degree is confirmed, you may need to allow at least three weeks for the degree to be confirmed by the Registrar’s Office, then the certification officer needs to add your recommendation for certification to your account.

For priority processing by the college: after your grades are in, you can request a statement of graduation using this form, and then send it to the certification officer who will check that your mandated workshops and degree are completed and then add the recommendation to your state records to confirm your education.

If you have a bachelor’s degree, a school may be able to hire you as a substitute teacher before your certification is confirmed, that may help you start work while you wait for your certification records to be confirmed.

Additional Resources, Events, and Application Links

Magner Career Center

We strongly recommend that you have your resume reviewed at the Magner Career Center. Check the center’s site for information on drop-in hours for resume review and approval.

College Internship Stipends

The Magner Career Center can provide up to $5,000 to use for student teaching and other unpaid work. You can apply before securing your placement. The summer/fall internship deadline is late March, and the spring internship deadline is late October.

Brooklyn. All in.