Applying for Literacy Teacher Certification as an Additional Certificate

You must:

If your college recommendation for certification has not been posted on your TEACH account, and if you completed your program and workshops, contact the Certification Officer.

To Apply

  1. Log in to your TEACH account.
  2. Verify and update your profile.
  3. Select your certificate: Area of interest: Classroom Teacher.
  4. Select a subject area: Literacy.
  5. Select a grade level: Literacy (All Grades).
  6. Select a title:
    • Initial, if you have initial certification for another title only of if you have another initial title and need the literacy title to be confirmed quickly.
    • Professional, if you have or applied for another professional title. You will need work experience in one of your titles or a combination to be eligible for another professional title.
  7. Application program code: 43794
  8. Pathway: Approved Teacher Prep Program

What’s Next

Check the status of your application. Initial certification can be confirmed quickly after all requirements are confirmed. Professional certification may need to be evaluated manually.  Certificate effective dates will be posted on your TEACH account.

Brooklyn. All in.