Fingerprint Verification Requirement

This information is for Brooklyn College students enrolled in a School of Education program or those who will take School of Education courses that require verification to work in New York City Public Schools (NYCPS), formerly known as New York City Department of Education (NYDOE) schools.


  • Complete the application for fingerprinting registration. This application must be completed while in college, prior to receiving fieldwork or student teaching placement in New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) schools .
  • After your application is processed, you will receive instructions from Brooklyn College School of Education Fingerprint Verification or other School of Education staff.
  • Note: Whether you have fingerprint records already or not, your records need to be verified. New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) employees and students who have records already must have their records reconfirmed following the instructions you will receive.


To avoid a delay in signing up for classes, plan to complete the steps to get a fingerprint verification letter from early. It can take two weeks, more or less, and cannot be expedited. Contact a program adviser for deadlines.

Program Advisers

ECAE Early Childhood/Art Education

CBSE Childhood/Special Education

SEED Secondary Education/Physical Education/Middle Education/Music

Speech-Language Pathology

SPCL School Psychology, School Counseling, Educational Leadership

More information

If you will be working in New York City Public School (NYCPS) while you are a college student, the NYCPS requires colleges to confirm current fingerprint security status for all college students, including if records are on file already and if you are working already or not.

Clearance is confirmed by via email. The records must be recorded in the NYCPS Personnel Eligibility Tracking System (PETS) database specifically for Brooklyn College students. Your data will only be added after you follow the instructions above.

Fingerprint records on TEACH and in the NYCPS Applicant Gateway will only confirm receipt of the records, not current security clearance status. The current security clearance can only be confirmed after you follow the instructions above.

If there are any changes in your fingerprint clearance status, and you are not cleared to work in NYCPS schools, you will be notified, and then it will be your responsibility to stop working in NYCPS schools and complete the steps needed before returning to work.

If you apply for substitute teaching after your clearance is confirmed, you may need to allow time for a further review, which may cause you to have a few days without clearance.


The following students do not need fingerprint verification:

  • If you are in a Transitional B program: the NYC Teaching Fellows , NYC Teaching Collaborative, and/or EdPrep/Sub & Para-to-Teacher program.
  • If you will not be taking courses in a School of Education program
  • If you will not be going to NYCPS schools for your fieldwork and/or student teaching while you are enrolled in a School of Education program, you can get confirmation from your adviser, and ask the adviser to confirm your exemption with


Brooklyn. All in.