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Student Life
Info For
Recycle Paper
America Recycles Day promotes and celebrates recycling in the United States. The national recycling rate has increased over the past 30 years. Over the past several years, Brooklyn College and Campus Sustainability have been taking important steps to expand the college’s recycling, composting, and waste-reduction initiatives. We want to encourage the campus community to learn what materials are collected for recycling and take action by following our Brooklyn College Campus Sustainability recycling signs!
Download, print, and share with your office our useful reminders to take action and help the college’s initiatives to reduce waste.
Reuse Plastic
Reduce Trash
Be sure to visit RecycleRightNY to discover the journey of recyclables, what happens at every stage of the recycling process, how you can help improve our environment through better recycling habit, search through their “Recyclopedia” for recycling and more.