Yeshiva / Seminary Credits

Important Notice

The Transfer Evaluations Office takes care of matriculated undergraduate students only.

Graduate students should contact Graduate Admissions for assistance.

How to Receive Yeshiva Transfer Credit at Brooklyn College

The Transfer Evaluations Office and the Department of Judaic Studies have provided the following necessary steps:

1A. Students must send their official signed and sealed yeshiva transcript to the Transfer Evaluations Office at the address below.

1B. The yeshiva must also send an official letter to the Transfer Evaluations Office at the address below, stating that the student was a full-time student during the period listed on the transcript.

Transfer Evaluations Office
306 West Quad Center
Brooklyn College
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210

2. Students must also e-mail a copy of this transcript/letter to the Transfer Evaluations Office. In addition, students should e-mail a copy of the transcript to Professor Sharon Flatto in the Department of Judaic Studies.

3. Once the Transfer Evaluations Office has received your official paperwork, it will coordinate with the Judaic Studies Department to have the course work validated and evaluated by Professor Flatto. Students will be granted up to 27 credits once the review process has been completed and the student has taken one of the approved capstone courses and earned a grade of B or higher.  The college can assign JUST credits or HEBR language credits for yeshiva/seminary courses. Judaic Studies capstone course must be taken at Brooklyn College. Students may be granted a maximum of 27 credits in total for yeshiva/seminary work, but the department has the authority to grant less than the maximum number of credits, due to other academic factors.

Note: Courses that count for the Capstone are JUST 2540 or any of the JUST or HEBR courses that are 3000 or above, except for 3025, 3047, 3485, 4017, and any course that has a designation Pathways, or College Option.

4. When the student has obtained the necessary capstone grade, the student should contact the Transfer Evaluations Office so that the process can be finalized and the credits can be posted on CUNYfirst. (Degreeworks will automatically update in three days from the posting of credits.) 

5. Students with specific questions about this process should email the Transfer Evaluations Office, the Judaic Studies Department, or Professor Flatto. Students should also email the Judaic Studies Department for additional guidance.

6. Many accepted yeshiva classes and seminary credits will be deemed as elective Judaic studies courses and designated as JUST 1000E. In this way, they will not interfere with courses required for a student’s major.* However, students who are considering minoring or majoring in Judaic studies should speak to Professor Flatto before she evaluates their credits. (This minor or major will not be that cumbersome, as three of the yeshiva/seminary transfer credits would count toward the 12-credit Judaic studies minor, and nine transfer credits would count toward the 30-credit major. These credits would count as specific college courses and not as Judaic studies electives.) Yet, if a student decides later in his or her career to minor or major in Judaic studies, this process can be redone retroactively.

*Students can receive yeshiva/seminary transfer credits only if they attended as full-time yeshiva students. We accept credits that were earned during standard fall and spring terms only. According to Brooklyn College regulations, this means that a student took no more than eight college course credits while simultaneously studying at yeshiva.

7. You can receive up to four credits for full-time study at an American yeshiva/seminary.

8. Full-time study from the following Israeli yeshivas/seminaries will be accepted.

Women’s Seminaries

  • Aish Gesher for Women, Jerusalem
  • Amudim Seminary in German Colony, Jerusalem
  • Bnot Torah/Sharfman’s
  • Darchei Binah in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem
  • Emunah V’Omanut in German Colony, Jerusalem
  • Machon Ma’ayan in Givat Washington
  • Meorot Yerushalayim Seminary, Jerusalem
  • Michlalah Yerushalayim Linda Pinsky School for Overseas Students (Machal) in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem
  • Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim in Baka, Jerusalem

Men’s Yeshivas

  • Birkat Moshe in Maaleh Adumim Darche Noam/David Shapell’s College of Jewish Studies in Beit Hakerem, Jerusalem
  • Derech Institute in Maalot Dafna, Jerusalem
  • Eretz HaTzvi located at Machon Lev, Jerusalem
  • Gesher Aish HaTorah in Old City, Jerusalem
  • HaKotel in Old City, Jerusalem Har Etzion in Alon Shvut, Kerem B’Yavneh in Doar Na Evtach
  • KBY Lev Hatorah in Ramat Bet Shemesh Migdal HaTorah in Modiin Moreshet Yerushalayim in Nachlaot, Jerusalem
  • Netiv Aryeh in Old City, Jerusalem Orayta in Old City, Jerusalem
  • Nof Ayalon Sha’arei Mevaseret Zion in Mevaseret Tiferet
  • Or Etzion, Mercaz Shapira
  • Reishit Yerushalayim in Bet Shemesh
  • Sha’alvim in DN Shimshon
  • Torah V’Avodah in Katamon, Jerusalem
  • Torat Shraga in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem
  • Yerushalayim in Har Nof, Jerusalem
  • Yishrei Lev in Kiryat Yearim


  • Bar Ilan University (yeshiva study must be full-time; cannot be combined with Bar Ilan College study)
  • Conservative Yeshiva, Jerusalem
  • Machon Schechter, Jerusalem
  • Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem

Students may submit credit from other institutions for evaluation, but we do not guarantee the institution will be deemed acceptable for transfer credit.

Brooklyn. All in.